Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What’s in a Name?

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WEDNESDAY November 3
What’s in a Name?
Names were very important in the biblical world. A name told of the person’s cultural heritage and beliefs, or pointed to the wishes of the parents for the child. Often a change in life circumstances or beliefs was indicated by a change of name.
Note the following biblical characters’ new names and mark the reason given for the name change:  

Abram (Gen. 17:5)

Jacob (Gen. 32:27, 28)

Daniel (Dan. 1:7)

After Jacob’s night of wrestling with the celestial visitor, he experienced perhaps one of the most far-reaching name changes in all sacred history. Out of a “deceiver” (Jacob) became a “may-God-strive-for” (Israel), and all of his descendants became known as “Israelites,” or the children of Israel.
In the case of Daniel, the name change has a different purpose. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted to make sure that the young exiles knew who was in control. He also wanted to brainwash them somehow. Daniel’s name was changed from “God is my judge” to “protect the life of the prince” (Belteshazzar) in an attempt by the heathen king to undermine Daniel’s allegiance to his God.
The name of Bathsheba’s husband is not unique in biblical history. During the time of King Hezekiah, a prophet by the name of Uriah communicated God’s judgment against Jerusalem (Jer. 26:20–23). Interestingly, Uriah’s name is Hebrew and could be translated as “my light is the Lord” or “flame of the Lord.” While he may have been a Hittite by birth, by choice he belonged to the God of Israel. Uriah’s ethnic background underlines the fact that God does not look at the outside but knows the heart. Having family members in prominent church positions or great godly ancestors does not give us a better standing before God. Neither does our family history or even our past personal history affect our acceptance with God.
By dying for all humanity, Christ tore down all barriers between all people (Gal. 3:28). The Cross proves us all equal before God; Christ’s death was for every human being, for every human being is of infinite value in His eyes. Sure, God has at times given different groups special tasks and callings, but that’s not the same as saying some people are of more value to God than others. The Cross proves that point wrong.

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Other Sabbath School Lessons and Resources

Get your Earliteen, Children, PowerPoint and other Sabbath School lessons and study materials here (link: http://www.ssnet.org/qrtrly/qrtrly.html)

The Truth In The Valley

Do something different this Saturday. Come worship with Beacon Light Tabernacle SDA Church at 1568 Route 9d, Wappingers Falls NY. Phone 845-440-0183.
"Proclaiming The Truth In The Valley"


People Are Talking!

Thank you for your support. I'm taking the classes in Spanish but I like to read your 'cause it inspire me to talk to other about God in English, this is for the Glory and honor of God........Yolanda
The Sanjay mission story was very good and it's also nice to have the link to the Desire of Ages and Patriarch's and Prophets readings. Way to go.... Barbara (New York)
May God shower you will all more blessing than you can handle, thank you so much for these lessons... Lascelles (Kingston, Jamaica)
Just to say thanks for providing the Sabbath School Lesson on line. I have been utilizing it. Thanks...Joan (Kingston, Jamaica)
Thanks for sending, Locksley. A nice start..... Barbara (NY)
Thank you Locksley. I will need the 'help' with this quarter's lessons. All blessings and joy to you for this year...Nathalee (Jamaica)
Thanks so much for sharing the Sabbath school lesson with me. Have not been online all week and was able to study with a friend on Sunday and monday. But God bless u for sharing. ...Ann (NY)


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