Friday, October 15, 2010

Long Search for Hope

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FRIDAY October 15
Further Study:
  “Parents, give your children to the Lord, and ever keep before their minds that they belong to Him, that they are the lambs of Christ’s flock, watched over by the True Shepherd. Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord; and it is said of him, ‘Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words [the Lord’s words through Samuel] fall to the ground.’ 1 Samuel 3:19. In the case of this prophet and judge in Israel are presented the possibilities that are placed before the child whose parents co-operate with God, doing their appointed work.”—Ellen G. White, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 143.
“What a reward was Hannah’s! and what an encouragement to faithfulness is her example! There are opportunities of inestimable worth, interests infinitely precious, committed to every mother. The humble round of duties which women have come to regard as a wearisome task should be looked upon as a grand and noble work. It is the mother’s privilege to bless the world by her influence, and in doing this she will bring joy to her own heart. She may make straight paths for the feet of her children, through sunshine and shadow, to the glorious heights above. But it is only when she seeks, in her own life, to follow the teachings of Christ that the mother can hope to form the character of her children after the divine pattern. The world teems with corrupting influences. Fashion and custom exert a strong power over the young. If the mother fails in her duty to instruct, guide, and restrain, her children will naturally accept the evil, and turn from the good. Let every mother go often to her Saviour with the prayer, ‘Teach us, how shall we order the child, and what shall we do unto him?’ Let her heed the instruction which God has given in His word, and wisdom will be given her as she shall have need.”—Ellen G. White, Conflict and Courage, p. 138.  
Discussion Questions:
   1  Who in your church is experiencing difficult circumstances at home or in their personal life? How can you as a group and individually help to support these people? How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice in order to help?    2  What are some cultural stigmas that abound in your society; that is, what are things that are deemed terrible by your culture? Ask yourself, Are these things that God Himself also sees as bad? Are we, as a people, in danger of stigmatizing, because of culture, things that God doesn’t? What are some examples where we might have done that? How can we know the difference between what is cultural and what is biblical?  

I N S I D E Story  

Long Search for Hope by GALINA STOYKOVA
I grew up in a mining town in Siberia. Everything was dusted with black soot. Even the leaves on the trees turned black. Nearly everyone in town was sick; most, including my father, had cancer.
My husband and I moved to southwestern Russia, where the air was better. Soon after we arrived, however, I began having health problems. I went to a doctor who told me that I had late-stage cancer and would likely die. They offered no treatment, so I decided to fight the disease myself.
I searched for treatments, and people brought me news clippings about various treatments and "cures," including some very unconventional ones such as psychic healing, which is popular in Russia.
I didn't know about God at this time, so I didn't know where to begin looking for a cure. In the dead of winter there is a holiday called "baptism day." On this day people believe that rivers become holy and that if people drink some water or dip into a river and whisper their wish, they can be healed. It was worth a try—anything was worth a try. So on that day I went to the river to dip in and make my wish for health. I stepped into the icy water and prayed, "God, if You exist, please heal me." After that I had no further symptoms. I know now that it was the prayer, not the water, that healed me.
My husband and I were separated, and I was searching for meaning in life. I met a man who told me, "Go home and read the Bible." I didn't own a Bible, so he brought me one. I began reading it. Then he invited me to attend the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I hadn't heard of this church, but I went. As I listened to the lesson study, I realized that this was where God lived. I continued attending and learned that Jesus is my Savior. I asked to be baptized.
I needed to make peace with my husband, so I went to him and asked his forgiveness. He accepted me so easily that it seemed that we had never argued. I told him that I had become a member of the Adventist Church, and to my amazement he said he also was attending an Adventist church and listening to a radio program called Voice of Hope. Three months later my husband was baptized.
It has been a long and painful journey, but we've found God and His truth. I'm grateful that today my husband and I worship God together in His church Thank you for supporting missions, which helped us find God and reconciliation and hope for the future.

GALINA STOYKOVA lives in Krasnodar, Russia. 

Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
email:   info@adventistmission.org  website:  www.adventistmission.org

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Other Sabbath School Lessons and Resources

Get your Earliteen, Children, PowerPoint and other Sabbath School lessons and study materials here (link: http://www.ssnet.org/qrtrly/qrtrly.html)

The Truth In The Valley

Do something different this Saturday. Come worship with Beacon Light Tabernacle SDA Church at 1568 Route 9d, Wappingers Falls NY. Phone 845-440-0183.
"Proclaiming The Truth In The Valley"


People Are Talking!

Thank you for your support. I'm taking the classes in Spanish but I like to read your 'cause it inspire me to talk to other about God in English, this is for the Glory and honor of God........Yolanda
The Sanjay mission story was very good and it's also nice to have the link to the Desire of Ages and Patriarch's and Prophets readings. Way to go.... Barbara (New York)
May God shower you will all more blessing than you can handle, thank you so much for these lessons... Lascelles (Kingston, Jamaica)
Just to say thanks for providing the Sabbath School Lesson on line. I have been utilizing it. Thanks...Joan (Kingston, Jamaica)
Thanks for sending, Locksley. A nice start..... Barbara (NY)
Thank you Locksley. I will need the 'help' with this quarter's lessons. All blessings and joy to you for this year...Nathalee (Jamaica)
Thanks so much for sharing the Sabbath school lesson with me. Have not been online all week and was able to study with a friend on Sunday and monday. But God bless u for sharing. ...Ann (NY)


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